House of Heavilin Beauty College – Kansas City

3026 Laclede Ave, Saint Louis, MO

House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City is located in Kansas City, Missouri, and is a career school that focuses on cosmetology education. House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 1968. House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City offers an in-depth cosmetology program that readies students get started in the beauty industry as licensed and qualified professionals. In addition, House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City also offers a cosmetology instructor training program for students who wish to become a cosmetology instructor.

House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City had an enrollment of about 78 students last year, with about 53% of students who start the program continue on to complete it.

House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City offers student services in the form of cosmetology career guidance & assistance for current and graduated students and job placement options for graduates in need of employment. State licensing procedures may differ, and as such it is suggested students research getting a license in cosmetology. Students can learn more about House of Heavilin Beauty College - Kansas City, including consumer disclosures, by visiting

Programs Offered

The list below shows all the programs that may be offered at House of Heavilin Beauty College – Kansas City. Actual programs may differ from the list below, to get an official list of programs offered please visit the school's website or by phone at (314) 340-3366.

The cosmetology program offered commonly takes about twelve months to complete and may satisfy education requirements for licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition (including any fees) estimate is $20,000*
  • 11 students completed this program in the previous reported year
  • The length of the cosmetology program is usually 12 months

Learn more about cosmetology programs by visiting our cosmetology schools profile page, which includes listings and career descriptions.

The cosmetology, barber and nail instructor program offered commonly takes about four months to complete and may satisfy education requirements for licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition (including any fees) estimate is $5,000*
  • Takes about 4 months to complete

The barber program offered commonly takes about one month to complete and may satisfy education requirements for licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition (including any fees) estimate is $1,000*
  • The length of the barber program is usually 1 month

*Amounts for tuition, fees, and supplies are an estimate which are calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only.

**Repayment rates, earnings, and loan payments are estimates and should be treated as informational tools only, contact the school for official information.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The net cost of this school is close to $9,500 annually, after the various types of aid, including scholarships and grants, are taken into consideration. To calculate a more accurate and detailed cost of attendance check out their cost calculator here. The school's financial aid department offers additional information regarding types of aid, how to apply and more. Students may contact the school by calling (816) 523-2471. The financial figures shown on this page provide information regarding costs and fees at House of Heavilin Beauty College – Kansas City, these numbers may change in a given year due to a variety of factors.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid86%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships79%$5,555
Receiving Student Loans86%$7,124

Other Cosmetology Schools Nearby

The list of nearby cosmetology schools below offer beauty and cosmetology programs similar to House of Heavilin Beauty College – Kansas City. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

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