Pryor Beauty College

Iverson Mall, 3705 Branch Avenue, Lower Level, Hillcrest Heights, MD

Pryor Beauty College is a school that offers training in the beauty industry for residents of Pryor, OK. Pryor Beauty College has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 2008. The school offers an in-depth cosmetology program that provides the skills and abilities necessary to pursue licensure and employment upon graduation. In addition, Pryor Beauty College also provides a nail technology program for individuals who want to pursue nail care and a cosmetology instructor training program for professionals who wish to teach cosmetology as a career.

Nearly 170 students graduated from Pryor Beauty College over the last couple of years, with a graduation rate of around 74%. In 2009 the reported default rate of individuals taking student loans to help pay the tuition for this school was approximately 5.8%.

Pryor Beauty College provides student services in the form of career assistance for students beginning a career in cosmetology, help with finding job opportunities for students, and remedial education courses for licensure preparation or admissions requirements. State licensing procedures may vary, and as such it is recommended students research getting a license in cosmetology. Students can learn more about Pryor Beauty College, including licensure preparation, by visiting

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