Roman Academy of Beauty Culture

Also known as Roman Academy

431 Lafayette Ave, Hawthorne, NJ

Roman Academy of Beauty Culture provides beauty & cosmetology training for students located in Hawthorne and surrounding areas. Over 330 cosmetology students have attended and completed their schooling in the last few years with about 58% of those who start the program continuing on to graduate. The cosmetology programs that may be offered at this location are:

To help students, Roman Academy of Beauty Culture may provide services to students, like those listed below:

  • Counseling assistance during beauty school and future career paths
  • Student employment services to help lower education costs
  • Helping students find employment

Roman Academy of Beauty Culture has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 1976. To learn more about RABC and get consumer disclosures, please visit the school's website.

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