Tuition Free Colleges in the United States

Believe it or not, there are a handful of tuition free colleges in the U.S. They have been around for a number of years and can be a great option for students to consider. Like any other big life decision, read the fine print carefully. There may be limitations or restrictions to consider as well as narrowly defined qualifications for applicants. Find out more by visiting the school website or at MatchCollege today.

As part of a school's mission, a handful of accredited colleges do indeed waive tuition for qualifying students. Free tuition does not mean a free education. Students, in most cases, will still need to pay for room & board along with books, parking, and various fees while attending school.

That being said, a tuition-free college can be an appealing way to transition from high school for many students. Quality programs that do not charge tuition will be the key as you will still need to earn your degree and learn a number of transferrable skills in order to transition into the workforce after graduation. With the growing number of tuition-free community college programs available, take the time to research the best school for you given your unique criteria and priorities.

To learn more about each accredited university or college, simply click on the names above and research the school. Each program has its own unique value proposition and degree programs that may be of interest to you. Request information from schools that interest you most and continue working on your list to get to a short list of schools to eventually visit prior to making a final decision.

Tuition free colleges may not be the answer for everyone, but are viable college options for the right student. Invest the time today to learn more about each school by connecting with their admissions team via MatchCollege. For additional resources, make sure to visit MatchCollege and subscribe to our blog for the latest in college information.

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