sponsored schools

You need to know the law profession is a demanding career that can provide bouts of intense work coupled with immense gratification. The vocational pathways may include a number of options that range from a general degree to a specialized field of study inlaw. Specialized fields include the ability to practice the following types of law: contracts, maritime, business, civil rights, bankruptcy, entertainment, criminal, corporate, criminal, family, environmental, health, intellectual property, immigration, international, military, labor, real estate, tax, and personal injury. In addition to a rigorous curriculum, you may be allowed to take classes at night and on the weekends to allow you to maintain your current work schedule.You may also be permitted to enroll in a joint degree program that couples law with another field of study. Examples of joint law degrees include a JD plus an MBA (Master of Business Administration), MSA (Master in Accounting), or MSOL (Master in Organizational Leadership). Make sure to ask your admissions counselor about the schools student services and career placement center to help understand the help you will receive after graduating with your Juris Doctor (JD) degree.

Detailed List of Law Schools in Alabama (3 Schools)

Only law schools accredited by the American Bar Association - Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar are listed below. Other law schools may also exist in Alabama, however they are may not listed here.

Schools are sorted by size with the largest school first, based on the number of law students graduating each year.

Samford University in Mobile, AL

Visit the website for Samford University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1949
  • About 140 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $42,000 per year
Faulkner University (Faulkner) in Bay Minette, AL

Visit the website for Faulkner University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 2009
  • About 60 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $1,000 per year
Taft University System (Taft Law School) in Hoover, AL

Visit the website for Taft University System at

Program Details

  • About 40 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $9,000 per year

Average attorney salaries in Alabama range between $47,000 to $129,000. The variety of employment options available to lawyers can result in a very broad pay range, however here is a list of average salaries from areas across Alabama.

  • Montgomery: $115,000
  • Mobile: $116,000
  • Huntsville: $142,000
  • Tuscaloosa: $117,000
  • Daphne, Fairhope, Foley: $65,000

Lawyer's in Alabama Compared to Median Income Averages

+38% Above State Median Income

+14% Above National Median Income

Lawyer's in Alabama take home an average 22.00 per hour. Annual earnings for Lawyer's working in the State of Alabama average $48,416 which is 38% above the state median income and 14% above the national median income for all occupations. Employment for a Lawyer makes up just of the working population in Alabama and is limited due to the specific qualifications required along with the schooling involved in this career path. The increasing demand for qualified Lawyers coupled with the educational barrier to enter the field is met with a steady supply of eager college graduates anxious to make a long-lasting impact in the lives of others in and around Alabama.

Average Income for a Lawyer in Alabama

Employment Median Hourly Wage Median Annual Wage
Alabama Lawyer 224,340 $22.00 $48,416
State Average 1,864,530.00 $16.00 $33,270.00
National Average 155,760,000.00 $19.33 $35,977.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
MEDIAN: $22.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, NCES, O*NET Online

Notes: Tuition & fee amounts are for both Alabama in-state residents and out of state students, unless noted otherwise. The tuition information displayed is an estimate, which we calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only. Please contact the respective lawyer school for information about the current school year.

Source: IPEDS Survey 2012-2020: Data obtained from the US Dept. of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data may vary depending on school and academic year.

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