sponsored schools

Do you know what it takes to become a licensed pharmacist? Quick research through our dedicated portals will reveal that admissions to top ranked pharmacy schools in Florida will be a competitive undertaking. You will need to achieve a favorable PCAT score and possess a minimum of a bachelors degree in an approved field. The top-rated pharmacy schools in Florida are graduate tracks that will confer a Doctor of Pharmacy to students that successfully complete the program. Doctor of Pharmacy degrees are commonly known as PharmD degrees that allow practitioners to work in Florida after obtaining licensure from thepharmacy boardof Florida. Get information you need about careers inpharmacyand accreditedpharmacy schoolstoday with our educational resources. Finding the best pharmacy school in Florida is within your reach with MatchCollege. It is worth noting we have resources for students interested in studies inpharmacologyandpharmacy technicianpathways.

Detailed List of Pharmacy Schools in Florida (5 Schools)

The Florida pharmacy schools listed below are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, which is an organization that reviews pharmacy education nationwide.

Schools are sorted by size with the largest pharmacy schools first, based on the number of Pharm. D. graduates per year.

University of Florida in Orlando, FL

The pharmacy school is located on the University of Florida at Jacksonville Campus in Jacksonville. Visit the website for University of Florida at

Program Details

    • Pharmacy program accredited since 1939
    • About 380 students graduate per year
    • Estimated tuition & fees are about $20,000 per year (Nonresidents: $43,000)
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) in Daytona Beach, FL

Visit the website for Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University at

Program Details

    • Pharmacy program accredited since 1956
    • About 140 students graduate per year
    • Estimated tuition & fees are about $8,000 per year (Nonresidents: $23,000)
University of South Florida (USF Main Campus) in Avon Park, FL

Visit the website for University of South Florida at

Program Details

    • Pharmacy program accredited since 2011
    • About 90 students graduate per year
    • Estimated tuition & fees are about $17,000 per year (Nonresidents: $35,000)
Palm Beach Atlantic University - West Palm Beach (Palm Beach Atlantic) in Orlando, FL

Visit the website for Palm Beach Atlantic University - West Palm Beach at

Program Details

    • Pharmacy program accredited since 2000
    • About 70 students graduate per year
    • Estimated tuition & fees are about $40,000 per year
Nova Southeastern University (UNF) in Jacksonville, FL

Visit the website for Nova Southeastern University at

Program Details

    • Pharmacy program accredited since 1987
    • Estimated tuition & fees are about $34,000 per year (Nonresidents: $39,000)

Pharmacist's in Florida Compared to Median Income Averages

+2% Above State Median Income

+-12% Above National Median Income

Pharmacist's in Florida take home an average 17.00 per hour. Annual earnings for Pharmacist's working in the State of Florida average $34,416 which is 2% above the state median income and -12% above the national median income for all occupations. Employment for a Pharmacist makes up just of the working population in Florida and is limited due to the specific qualifications required along with the schooling involved in this career path. The increasing demand for qualified Pharmacists coupled with the educational barrier to enter the field is met with a steady supply of eager college graduates anxious to make a long-lasting impact in the lives of others in and around Florida.

Pharmacists in Florida can expect to make anywhere in the range of $90,000 to $153,000. Below is a list of average salaries for pharmacists working in major cities in Florida.

  • North Port, Sarasota, Bradenton: $107,000
  • Cape Coral, Fort Myers: $122,000
  • Lakeland, Winter Haven: $116,000
  • Deltona, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach: $127,000
  • Gainesville: $105,000

Average Income for a Pharmacist in Florida

Employment Median Hourly Wage Median Annual Wage
Florida Pharmacist 104,880 $17.00 $34,416
State Average 8,374,500.00 $16.71 $34,760.00
National Average 155,760,000.00 $19.33 $35,977.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
MEDIAN: $17.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, NCES, O*NET Online

Notes: Tuition & fee amounts are for both Florida in-state residents and out of state students, unless noted otherwise. The tuition information displayed is an estimate, which we calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only. Please contact the respective pharmacist school for information about the current school year.

Source: IPEDS Survey 2012-2020: Data obtained from the US Dept. of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data may vary depending on school and academic year.

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