sponsored schools

Given the competitive nature of law schools in Massachusetts, you can expect schools to be quite selective. For starters, most schools require students to have a bachelors degree in a related field such ascriminology,counterterrorism, orcriminal justiceplus a high GPA andLSATscore to be considered. Students making the cut will spend around three years matriculating prior to earning a JD (Juris Doctor) degree. The JD degree is one of the qualifications for students in Massachusetts to earn before sitting for the state bar examination. Helpful associations in Massachusetts include the following:Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA),Bar Association of Massachusetts Municipal Attorneys,Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association,Massachusetts Lesbian and Gay Bar Association (MLGBA), and theWomen’s Bar Association of Massachusetts (WBA).


The top rated law schools in Massachusetts can be found with MatchCollege by using the list of accredited universities below or by leveraging our proprietary search technologyplatform. In either case, you will have access to law schools across the state along with specific criteria that may be important to you. Factors that may affect your decision-making can include data we have culled including student to teacher ratios, campus size, enrollment, tuition, financial aid trends, and 3D campus tours for many locations. By researching schools using our digital library, you can quickly winnow down your list of target schools to a working list before scheduling tours. Ourlaw degreepage will help students from all geographic locations understand the path to a law degree from an academic prospective coupled with career insights you will not find elsewhere.

Detailed List of Law Schools in Massachusetts (8 Schools)

Only law schools accredited by the American Bar Association - Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar are listed below. Other law schools may also exist in Massachusetts, however they are may not listed here.

Schools are sorted by size with the largest school first, based on the number of law students graduating each year.

Harvard University in Amherst, MA

Visit the website for Harvard University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1923
  • About 600 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $68,000 per year
Boston University in Chestnut Hill, MA

Visit the website for Boston University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1925
  • About 250 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $57,000 per year
Boston College in Brookline, MA

Visit the website for Boston College at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1932
  • About 250 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $59,000 per year
Northeastern University in Danvers, MA

Visit the website for Northeastern University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1969
  • About 210 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $54,000 per year
New England Law - Boston (New England Law) in Boston, MA

Visit the website for New England Law - Boston at

Program Details

  • About 150 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $52,000 per year
Western New England University (WNE) in Boston, MA

Visit the website for Western New England University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1974
  • About 50 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $43,000 per year
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth (UMass Dartmouth) in Springfield, MA

Visit the website for University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth at

Program Details

  • About 50 students graduate per year
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $15,000 per year (Nonresidents: $19,000)
Suffolk University in Easton, MA

Visit the website for Suffolk University at

Program Details

  • Law program accredited since 1953
  • Estimated tuition & fees are about $51,000 per year

Average attorney salaries in Massachusetts range between $58,000 to $164,000. The variety of employment options available to lawyers can result in a very broad pay range, however here is a list of average salaries from areas across Massachusetts.

  • Springfield: $118,000
  • Worcester: $108,000
  • Framingham: $153,000
  • Peabody, Salem, Beverly: $131,000
  • Lowell, Billerica, Chelmsford: $111,000

Lawyer's in Massachusetts Compared to Median Income Averages

+74% Above State Median Income

+102% Above National Median Income

Lawyer's in Massachusetts take home an average 39.00 per hour. Annual earnings for Lawyer's working in the State of Massachusetts average $83,400 which is 74% above the state median income and 102% above the national median income for all occupations. Employment for a Lawyer makes up just of the working population in Massachusetts and is limited due to the specific qualifications required along with the schooling involved in this career path. The increasing demand for qualified Lawyers coupled with the educational barrier to enter the field is met with a steady supply of eager college graduates anxious to make a long-lasting impact in the lives of others in and around Massachusetts.

Average Income for a Lawyer in Massachusetts

Employment Median Hourly Wage Median Annual Wage
Massachusetts Lawyer 322,850 $39.00 $83,400
State Average 3,291,460.00 $22.45 $46,700.00
National Average 155,760,000.00 $19.33 $35,977.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
MEDIAN: $39.00
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, NCES, O*NET Online

Notes: Tuition & fee amounts are for both Massachusetts in-state residents and out of state students, unless noted otherwise. The tuition information displayed is an estimate, which we calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only. Please contact the respective lawyer school for information about the current school year.

Source: IPEDS Survey 2012-2020: Data obtained from the US Dept. of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data may vary depending on school and academic year.

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