The Salon Professional Academy – Iowa City

1550 South 1st Avenue, Iowa City, IA

Interested individuals in and around Iowa City may pursue a cosmetology education by enrolling at The Salon Professional Academy. For the last three years The Salon Professional Academy has received its accreditation from the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences. The main program offered by The Salon Professional Academy is in cosmetology, which prepares individuals with the skills and education needed to obtain licensure and seek out long term employment after graduation. In addition to cosmetology, The Salon Professional Academy also provides an esthetics program, for individuals who wish to specialize in skin treatments and care and a nail technology program, which provides training in nail artistry and care.

The Salon Professional Academy provides services for students including cosmetology career counseling to help students, job placement options for students looking for work, and flexible scheduling for those with irregular schedules. State and county licensing procedures may differ, and as such it is suggested students research getting a license in cosmetology. For information and consumer disclosures, please check out school's website.

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