Top Business Colleges & Universities

Would you believe that business degrees are the most often degree conferred by colleges and universities in the U.S.? It is indeed the most popular degree conferred as summarized on our top majors page. Likewise, more graduate degrees in the field of business are awarded than any other academic field of study. As the appetite for quality business degrees from students grow, colleges are investing heavily into relevant curriculum and faculty with business expertise.

The list below reflects an array of 4 year colleges that consistently do a great job of preparing students for the vocational demands businesses require based on quality of curricula, peer assessment, median starting salary, mean GMAT and GRE scores, and acceptance rate. To learn more about degrees with in the Business Administration field, click here.

Methodology: At MatchCollege, our school rankings utilize trusted data sources including: NCES, The U.S. Department of Education, Carnegie Classification, BLS, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Top rankings are achieved via factors such as: student-faculty ratio, tuition, graduation rate, financial aid, counseling services, loan default rate, acceptance rate, and the MatchCollege peer-based metric tool.

Additional Resources for Business Students

For additional business degree resources, make sure to check out our proprietary degree finder tool. After sorting and filtering accredited colleges that fit your academic goals, you can continue performing research. Valuable resources include articles published on online college degree programs, maximizing financial aid, reducing college debt, and how to get into your top college. Get started today and invest in your education through higher education.

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