Seminar L’moros Bais Yaakov

5002 T-Rex Avenue, Suite 100, Boca Raton, FL

Seminar L'moros Bais Yaakov, located in the metropolitan area of Brooklyn, New York, focuses on cosmetology training for interested students. The Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training has accredited the instruction & training provided by Seminar L'moros Bais Yaakov for over twenty-five years. The school offers a comprehensive cosmetology program that teaches the skills needed to pursue licensure and employment upon graduation.

Over the last few years about 1,300 students have graduated from Seminar L'moros Bais Yaakov, with a graduation rate of around 86%.

Seminar L'moros Bais Yaakov offers student services including cosmetology career guidance to help students and job placement options for students looking for work. State and county licensing procedures may differ, and as such it is suggested students research getting a license in cosmetology. To learn more about program disclosures, please visit the official website of the school.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The overall cost students will pay at this school is approximately $15,400 after scholarships, grants and other forms of aid are taken into consideration. To calculate a more personalized cost check out their cost calculator here. There may be an application fee required, please check with this school for more information. Students in need of financial assistance can get more information through the school's financial aid department, by calling (718) 851-2900. The financial figures shown on this page provide information regarding costs and fees at Seminar L’moros Bais Yaakov, these numbers may change in a given year due to a variety of factors.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Tuition & Fees Information

  • Annual tuition is estimated to range between $9,400-$11,000
  • Required fees for full-time students: $320

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid90%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships90%$5,897

Other Cosmetology Schools Nearby

The list of nearby cosmetology schools below offer beauty and cosmetology programs similar to Seminar L’moros Bais Yaakov. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

Contact Information

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Financial Aid Office

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