Cosmetology Training Center

Also known as Naperville Skin Institute

1200 Harger Road, Suite 100, Oakbrook, IL

Cosmetology Training Center is a school that offers training in the cosmetology industry for residents of Lafayette, Louisiana. This school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences, having held that accreditation for the last twenty-six years. This school primarily offers education in the area of cosmetology by experienced teaching professionals, increasing the chances that students who complete the program will have the skills and education required to pursue licensure and long term employment. In addition to cosmetology, this school also provides a cosmetology instructor training program for individuals who want to become educators and a nail technology program, which provides training in nail care.

In 2010-2011 approximately 59 students completed programs at Cosmetology Training Center, with a graduation rate of around 77%.

City and state licensing procedures may differ, and as such it is suggested students lookup obtaining a license in cosmetology. For information and consumer disclosures, please visit school's website.

Programs Offered

Below is a listing of the programs that may be offered at Cosmetology Training Center. Actual programs may differ from the list below, to get an official list of programs offered please visit the school's website or by phone at (815) 786-7266.

Cosmetology program takes on average fifteen months to complete. Students that complete this program may be eligible to pursue licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $17,000*
  • Cost of required supplies: $1,300*
  • 42 students completed the cosmetology program last year
  • Takes about 15 months to complete

Learn more about cosmetology programs through our cosmetology schools profile page, which includes lists on other schools offering this program.

The cosmetology, barber and nail instructor program offered on average takes about eight months to complete and may fulfill course requirements for licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $7,000*
  • The estimated cost of supplies that may be required is $200*
  • The length of the cosmetology, barber and nail instructor program is usually 8 months

*Amounts for tuition, fees, and supplies are an estimate which are calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only.

**Repayment rates, earnings, and loan payments are estimates and should be treated as informational tools only, contact the school for official information.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The average annual "out of pocket" cost of attendance, after any grants and scholarships are considered, is around $12,600. In order to calculate a more personalized cost check out their cost calculator here. Financial aid information may be obtained by contacting the financial aid office at (337) 237-6868. Any tuition and financial aid figures listed provide an outline of costs at this school, however they may not accurately represent current costs, fees, or tuition. Please check with Naperville Skin Institute for more information.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid94%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships76%$5,663
Receiving Student Loans85%$5,429

Other Cosmetology Schools Nearby

The list of nearby cosmetology schools below offer beauty and cosmetology programs similar to Cosmetology Training Center. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

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