Dominion School of Hair Design

1755 George Washington Memorial Highway, Gloucester Point, VA

Dominion School of Hair Design, located in the residential area of Gloucester Point, VA, specializes in cosmetology training for students. Dominion School of Hair Design has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 2007. This school offers a comprehensive cosmetology program that readies individuals for entry into the beauty industry as licensed and qualified professionals. In addition, this school also offers a cosmetology instructor training program for students who want to become educators and a nail technology program, which offers education in nail artistry and care.

Dominion School of Hair Design had an enrollment of close to 27 students last year, with about 81% of those who start the program continue on to graduate.

Dominion School of Hair Design provides student services including job placement opportunities for individuals looking for work, remedial education classes for program or licensure preparation, and cosmetology career pathway counseling to help students. Students are advised to look up local and state licensing requirements to determine whether programs meet current standards. Get more information by visiting the school's official website, where you can see program details, financial aid & tuition, and disclosures.

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