Fairview Beauty Academy

22610 Lorain Rd, Fairview Park, OH

Students interested in a cosmetology career can pursue an education through Fairview Beauty Academy, which is located in a residential area of Fairview Park, Ohio. Fairview Beauty Academy is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences, having held that accreditation for the last twenty-three straight years. This school offers an in-depth cosmetology program that readies students get started in the beauty industry as licensed, qualified and skillful professionals. In addition, this school also provides a nail technology program, which offers education in nail artistry and care.

The school enrolls around 43 students yearly, providing students an excellent learning atmosphere.

Fairview Beauty Academy provides student services in the form of job placement opportunities for graduating students in need of employment and cosmetology career counseling assistance for current and graduated students. Students are asked to look up state and county licensing requirements to ensure programs meet current standards. Get all the information by visiting the school's official website, where you can see programs available, financial aid & tuition, and disclosures.

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