John Paolo’s Xtreme Beauty Institute – Goldwell Pro

638 Columbia Street Extension, Latham, NY

Interested individuals in and around Latham may pursue a cosmetology education by registering and enrolling at John Paolo's Xtreme Beauty Institute - Goldwell Pro. This school's cosmetology program is constructed to prepare students for gainful employment upon completion, providing all the skills required to prepare students for licensure and entry into the beauty industry. In addition, this school also has an esthetics program, which offers an excellent education in the area of skin care and treatment, a cosmetology instructor training program for students that want to become a cosmetology instructor, and a nail technology program for students who would like to pursue nail artistry.

Over the past few years close to 50 students have attended John Paolo's Xtreme Beauty Institute - Goldwell Pro.

John Paolo's Xtreme Beauty Institute - Goldwell Pro provides services for students such as flexible scheduling for working or busy students, help with finding job opportunities for students, and remedial education courses for licensure preparation or admissions requirements. City and state licensing procedures may differ, and as such it is suggested students lookup obtaining a license in cosmetology. Students can learn more about John Paolo's Xtreme Beauty Institute - Goldwell Pro, including licensing and consumer disclosures, by visiting

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