Nationwide Beauty Academy

789 Hebron Road, Ste J, Heath, OH

Salon Schools Group is a school that offers education and training in the cosmetology industry for residents of Columbus, OH. Nationwide Beauty Academy has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 1968. This school's cosmetology program is constructed to prepare students for gainful employment upon completion, having provided all the skills necessary to prepare students for licensure and entry into the beauty industry. In addition to cosmetology, this school also offers a nail technology program for students who want to pursue nail artistry.

Approximately 280 students completed their training at this school over the last few years. In 2009 the reported default rate of individuals taking student loans to cover the tuition costs for this school was approximately 3.9%.

Salon Schools Group offers student services in the form of career assistance for students beginning a career in cosmetology and help with finding job options for students. Students should look up local and state licensing regulations to determine whether programs meet current standards. Get all the information by visiting the school's official website, where you can learn about program details, financial aid & tuition, and disclosures.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The net cost of this school is close to $11,200 annually, after the various types of aid, including scholarships and grants, are taken into consideration. The tuition and financial aid figures listed show various costs that students may encounter at this school. The numbers may not be accurate due to changing factors in a given year, and are only intended to provide a guideline for students.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid76%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships60%$4,798
Receiving Student Loans67%$4,279

Other Cosmetology Schools Nearby

The list of nearby cosmetology schools below offer beauty and cosmetology programs similar to Nationwide Beauty Academy. Click the links below to get a detailed profile for each school.

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