Trend Setters School of Cosmetology

Also known as The Salon Professional Academy

1416 W. Columbia Ave., Battle Creek, MI

Interested individuals in and around Cape Girardeau may get a cosmetology education by registering and enrolling at Trend Setters School of Cosmetology. The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences has accredited the cosmetology education provided by Trend Setters School of Cosmetology for over six straight years. The school offers an in-depth cosmetology program that provides the skills needed to obtain licensure and employment upon completion.

The cosmetology training courses being offered at this location are:

Curriculum for each program is designed to help students understand the basic techniques involved in each area of discipline along with anatomy, physiology, life skills, business skills, and much more.  In fact, the barbering program is a 1,000 hour program that typically takes 31 weeks to complete.  Coursework will help students understand the science of barbering, the art of barbering, and the rich history of the barbering profession.  Likewise, the cosmetology program is an intensive 1,500 program that teaches students about cosmetology in a holistic manner.  Experienced and licensed instructors help students understand basic and advanced concepts & then apply those specific techniques to help understand the process better.

Trend Setters School of Cosmetology graduates approximately 32 students each year, with a graduation rate of around 56% according to data gathered from the Department of Education.

Students are asked to look up local and state licensing regulations to make sure programs meet established standards. For additional information regarding licensing and consumer disclosures, interested individuals may visit the school's website.

Financial aid may be available to eligible students.  To find out what types of financial aid you may qualify for, simply complete the form on this page or reach out to the school directly.

Programs Offered

Below is a listing of the programs that may be offered at Trend Setters School of Cosmetology. Actual programs may differ from the list below, to get an official list of programs offered please visit the school's website or by phone at (269) 962-0000 x0000.

The cosmetology program offered on average takes about thirteen months to complete and may fulfill course requirements for licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $11,000*
  • The estimated cost of supplies that may be required is $700*
  • 18 students completed this program in the previous reported year
  • The length of the cosmetology program is usually 13 months

Get more information about cosmetology and browse other schools listed by visiting our cosmetology schools profile page.

The barber programs listed below are broken down by the number of contact hours offered.

1,000 Contact Hours

  • Estimated tuition and fees: $7,000 per year*
  • Cost of required supplies: $800*
  • Takes about 8 months to complete

45 Contact Hours

  • Estimated tuition and fees: $1,000 per year*
  • Cost of required supplies: $100*
  • Takes about 1 month to complete

Cosmetology, barber and nail instructor program takes usually five months to complete. Students that complete this program may be eligible to pursue licensing.

Program Details:

  • Tuition costs are estimated to be $4,000*
  • The estimated cost of supplies that may be required is $100*
  • The length of the cosmetology, barber and nail instructor program is usually 5 months

*Amounts for tuition, fees, and supplies are an estimate which are calculated based on historical data and should be solely used for informational purposes only.

**Repayment rates, earnings, and loan payments are estimates and should be treated as informational tools only, contact the school for official information.

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