Vanity School of Cosmetology

22-900 State Rte 34, Archbold, OH

Students interested in a career in cosmetology can get an education through Vanity School of Cosmetology, which is located in a residential area of Sheffield Village, OH. Vanity School of Cosmetology has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences since 2010. The school offers an in-depth cosmetology program that teaches the skills and abilities needed to obtain licensure and long term employment upon graduation.

Over the past few years about seventy students have enrolled at Vanity School of Cosmetology.

Vanity School of Cosmetology provides student services including help with finding job options for students and career assistance for students entering a career in cosmetology. Students should look up local and state licensing requirements to make sure programs meet established standards. To read program disclosures, please visit the official website of the school.

Estimated Costs & Financial Aid

The average annual "out of pocket" cost of attendance, after any grants and scholarships are considered, is around $11,800. In order to calculate a more accurate and detailed cost of attendance check out their cost calculator here. The figures listed are for informational purposes only and do not represent current or future tuition, fees, and expenses.

Note: Financial aid is only available for those who qualify, check with the school for details.

Financial Aid Details

The table below breaks down the types of financial aid, the percent of students receiving aid, and average amount of aid per student.

 Percent of StudentsAverage Amount
Any Financial Aid100%-
Receiving Grants & Scholarships100%$2,802
Receiving Student Loans100%$2,302

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